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Mods and projects

Page history last edited by posfan1220 9 years, 2 months ago Saved with comment


Here is a list of mods, total conversion and other projects that are made to be compatible with JA2 v1.13.


Current projects






name of the project a short describtion and links to homepage/forum if available status of the project download link if available
AIMNAS Lots of new items and bigmaps. Forum on The Bear's Pit released (bigmaps are under development) http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_v1.13/AIMNAS/
All Resolution Support Project Allows the game to support lots of reloutions. Thread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/298698/1/ARSP_ALL_RESOLUTION_SUPPORT_PR.html
Arulco Folding Stock New items and a better balanced NCTH. Forum on The Bear's Pit released


Arulco Revisited Lots of new maps, changed worldmap. Forum on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/298276/1/Arulco_Revisited_Mod.html
Deidranna Lives! 1.13 The original mod was changed to fully work with v1.13. Forum on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/236264/Urban_Chaos_1_13_Deidranna_Liv.html#Post236264
Fast Fatima Speeds up the "dealing" with Fatima in Omerta. Thread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/242029/Fast_Fatima.html#Post242029
Fight For Freedom Multiplayer
WWII themed mod. Multiplayer only. Thread on The Bear's Pit
released http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_v1.13/FFF-Multiplayer/
Fight For Freefom: Tactics
WWII themed mod. Thread on The Bear's Pit under development -

Newest version of Headrock's Assorted Modifications.

Included in latest 1.13 Version (> 4870)

released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/294141/HAM_5_Alpha_You_know_it.html#Post294141
Horn of Africa Mod with an african setting. Forum (russian), Thread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.ja2.su/mods/Ja2v113/Farah_Aydid/JA2_113_HoA_in_progress.rar
Humble Hans Removes Hans from the game to allow easier dealing with Tony. Tread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/242572/Humble_Hans_easy_Tony_dealing.html#Post242572
Instruments of Violence Successor of Cosplay/Dbb mod. Item mod with thousands of items. Thread on The Bear's Pit, Forum (chinese) released http://cos-mod.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/COS-MOD/
Legion 2 Total conversion with lots of features. Homepage, forum on The Bear's Pit under development http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_v1.13/Legion2/
Map Database Project
Several map packs which can serve as replacements for the stock maps. Map Database Project
released -
Militia Factions Mod 1.13
Lots of new maps. Forum on the Bear's Pit released -
MJOne's Ammunition Mod Extensive rework of all calibers in the game. Homepage, thread on The Bear's Pit released http://web.comhem.se/~u54025770/homepages/MAM/downloads.html
Modest Mike Allows the player to recruit Mike. Thread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/242802/Modest_Mike_english_hiring_hos.html#Post242802
Playable Characters Mod Converts many NPCs into RPCs. released http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_v1.13/Playable_Characters_Mod/
Renegade Republic Total conversion with lots of features. Forum on the Bear's Pit, Thread on JA2 Basis (german) released http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_v1.13/Renegade_Republic/
Unfinished Business for v1.13
Included in latest 1.13 Version (> 4870) released  
Urban Chaos 1.13 The original mod was changed to fully work with v1.13. Forum on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/236264/Urban_Chaos_1_13_Deidranna_Liv.html#Post236264
WW II Mod Adds items from the WW II era to the game. Thread on The Bear's Pit released http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/266476/1.html
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Deprecated projects






New (cured) face graphics for Dynamo and Shank.
merged into main trunk http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/Mods_Vanilla/
HAM (versions <5)
Headrock's Assorted Modifications. Lots of features.
merged into main trunk
NCTH New Chance To-Hit system. Optional replacement for the old system. merged into main trunk -
NIV New Inventory System. Optional replacement for old system. Employs use of LBE gear. merged into main trunk -
S.T.O.M.P. Sandro's Traits and Other Modifications Project. New traits and other stuff.
merged into main trunk -
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Mod compatibility table


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Type "Yes" in the box if two mods are compatible with each other. Type "No" if they are not. Type "Partially" or "Mostly" or whatever if compatibility is incomplete. Add a footnote for any specific concerns or instructions. (The footnote tool can be found under the insert menu.)







See also

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