Instructions For New Features

Here are listed a few features you might be interested ...


Sort items

Press Shift+S in tactical to sort items in sector inventory.


Remove attachments and unload weapons 

Press Shift+F in tactical to remove all removable attachments from the items and to unload all weapons in sector inventory.


Automatic reload weapons 

Press Shift+R in tactical to reload all weapons of your squad.

Turn-based mode: Mercs take the ammo from their inventories.

Real-time mode: Mercs take the ammo from sector inventory.


Switch between sungoggles and nightgoggles 

Press Shift+N in tactical, so all mercs switch from sungoggles to nightgoggles or the other way.


Jump or climb 

Press 'j' before an obstacle to jump / climb with the selected merc.


Control militia 

Now you can take control over the militia, when a combat happens (configurable in the JA2_Options.ini).

You can talk to the militias with your mercs and give them some orders. Your merc must be located near the militia.

If the merc is equipped with an extended ear, then the merc can give commands to all militias on the map.


Get reinforcement from nearby militia squad 

When entering an enemy sector with your mercs and moving militia squad is nearby, you can get reinforcements from the militia squad in the battle. A message box will ask you this, before your mercs enter the sector.



HAM Features 

Enhanced Description Box 

Item Stats Guide