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XML - AmmoTypes

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

Attribute Field Reference:

uiIndex - index of item in array, just increment this for each new entry

fontColour - (0-255) font colour of ammo on interface

grayed - controls grayed out colour? Doesn't really do much...

offNormal - controls frame of ammo box in detail screen (interface\infobox.sti)

onNormal - controls frame of ammo box in detail screen (interface\infobox.sti)

structureImpactReductionMultiplier + Divisor - reduction of damage from bullet contact with structure (lower total = better penetration)

armourImpactReductionMultiplier + Divisor - reduction of damage from bullet impact with armour (lower total = better penetration)

beforeArmourDamageMultiplier + Divisor - extra damage caused before penetrating armour

afterArmourDamageMultiplier + Divisor - extra damage caused after penetrating armour

zeroMinimumDamage - (0/1) minimum possible damage caused is zero

canGoThrough - (0/1) bullet is able to penetrate multiple soft targets

standardIssue - (0/1) ammo is standard issue for enemy (greater chance of appearing) - used for AP ammo in rifles, etc.

numberOfBullets - (1-9) number of bullets fired in a single shot - normally used with buckshot, limited to 1 - 9 for now

multipleBulletDamageMultiplier + Divisor - modifier for each bullet fired by a single shot (for example, default buckshot is 1/4 with 9 bullets)

highExplosive - (0/1) high explosive ammunition

explosionSize - (0-3) 0=none, 1=small, 2=medium, 3=large - size of explosion for high explosive ammo

antiTank - (0/1) actually does some damage against tanks

dart - (0/1) tranquilizer dart effect

knife - (0/1) knife ammo

monsterSpit - (0/1) monster spit - causes blindness, creates a gas effect, etc.

acidic - (0/1) causes serious armour degradation, like monster spit

ignoreArmour - (0/1) ignore vests and leggings, like knives and monster spit

lockBustingPower - if greater than zero, this ammo type will always hit locks, and can break locks with a SmashDifficulty (see BinaryData\Locks.bin) less than the lockBustingPower. This stat is also added to the damage done to the lock.

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